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来源:长沙朗阁雅思托福培训学校 发布时间:2016/2/22 17:41:03


我叫April, 我来自迈阿密。我曾经教过各个不同年龄段学生的英语,从年幼的小朋友到专业的商务人士,同时还给的英语老师培训过英语教学方面的技能。我喜欢帮助学生深入的学习英语这一门语言,也愿意教给他们出国学习时必备的一些技能。

My name is April and I come from Miami.  I have had the opportunity to teach students ranging from young children to Business English clients and have also trained Chinese English teachers in effective English teaching techniques.  I love helping students further understand the English language and being a part of equipping them with the skills they need to study abroad.

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