4000336028 微信QQ同号 804667250


来源:长沙朗阁雅思托福培训学校 发布时间:2016/2/22 17:41:03


大家好, 我是Rachel, 我来自新西兰,我获得英语及历史专业的本科学位与英语教学专业的学士学位。我目前正在学习中文及社会人类学,我发现学习中文很有挑战性,而且我认为这样能够让我更理解学生在学习英语时的困难。我在业余时间喜欢练习瑜伽或者骑自行车在北京城里转一转。

Hi, I’m Rachel, I am from New Zealand. I have a degree in English and History and a graduate diploma in teaching. I am currently studying Chinese and Social anthropology. I find studying Chinese really challenging and I think it helps me understand my students’ difficulties with learning English. I also love practicing yoga and riding my bicycle around Beijing.

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